20 Questions to Ask Companies During Interviews in 2024

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Embarking on a job interview journey in 2024? Elevate your preparation with our latest guide! Explore the essential ’10 Questions to Ask Companies During Interviews’ and make informed decisions about your career path.

1) Questions about the role

  1. What are the tasks I would do on a usual day?
  2. Are there any specific goals for me?
  3. What do you expect me to accomplish in the first 1 month/3 months?
  4. How will you evaluate my performance at the end of the trial period?
  5. What management style does my immediate manager and their manager have? (from micro- to macro-)

2) Question about the team

  1. How is the work organized?
  2. How does the intra/inter-team communication typically work?
  3. How are differences of opinion resolved?
  4. How do you track progress?
  5. What kind of meetings happen every week?

3) Question to the company

  1. Is there a conference/travel budget and what are the rules for using it?
  2. What’s the promotion process? How are requirements/expectations communicated?
  3. Where do you see the company in the next 5/10 years?
  4. What does clean code mean to the majority of developers here?
  5. Is there a Sports / Team-building Activity?

4) Question for the remote work

  1. Are extra accessories/furniture possible to buy through the company? Is there a budget for them?
  2. What’s the ratio of remote to office workers?
  3. Is there a budget for co-working space or internet access?
  4. Are the office meeting rooms always prepared for video conferences?
  5. How often are office visits expected?

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