Interview Question: Experience in iOS and Android apps?

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Question: Platform Expertise: Experience in iOS and Android app development?

I have a solid background in both iOS and Android app development. In my recent role, I led the development of a cross-platform app using React Native, showcasing my proficiency in creating seamless experiences across different mobile platforms.

Tips for a Better Reply:

  • Highlight Cross-Platform Experience: If applicable, mention experience with cross-platform frameworks.
  • Show Adaptability: Emphasize your ability to adapt to the unique requirements of each platform.
  • Discuss App Store Success: If applicable, mention any successful apps on both platforms.

Demo Answer:

I have hands-on experience developing for both iOS and Android platforms. In my previous position, I spearheaded the development of a cross-platform app using React Native. This not only showcased my versatility but also ensured a consistent user experience across different devices.

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